

Poly Welcomes Dr. Omari W. Keeles担任多元化,公平和包容的新主任

Dr. Omari W. Keeles 将于2021年7月1日担任保利新任多元化、公平和包容总监.

Dr. Keeles comes to us from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, where he served as Assistant Director for Diversity, Equity, 自2018年以来,塞尔促进学习和教学中心的包容性.

Dr. Omari Keeles

Dr. 基尔斯在加州奥克兰长大,就读于一所独立高中. 他回忆说,他的父母强烈支持他和妹妹接受最好的教育. 这包括定期的家庭外出参加黑人艺术和教育推广活动. As a young Black man, Dr. 基尔斯说,他亲身经历过,也理解作为一名少数族裔学生在私立学校的经历. 

Dr. 基尔斯说,他在研究生和研究生研究中“对社会身份的研究”使他了解了多样性, Equity, and Inclusion work. 他希望将研究进一步深入到现实生活中,以检查和理解少数民族学生在教育背景下的生活经历. 他思考着:“我怎样才能运用理论来产生真正的影响?一种方式是他在密歇根大学的工作,“协助执行和促进两个夏季管道项目。, 夏季研究机会计划,srop和密歇根人文新兴研究学者.“对他来说,这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,应用他的研究来改善学生.

Dr. 基尔斯的父母在他的大学生涯中给予了他很大的支持. 他获得了霍华德大学心理学学士学位和乔治华盛顿大学公共卫生硕士学位. At Teachers College, Columbia University, he earned a Master of Arts, as well as a Master of Education in psychological counseling. 他获得了心理学硕士学位和哲学博士学位, 密歇根大学教育与心理学联合项目, Ann Arbor. 他在第戎的勃艮第大学学习法语, 他还在阿姆斯特丹参加了一个十大网堵平台黑色欧洲项目的暑期学校, The Netherlands. An avid traveler, he hopes to visit the “slave castles,” forts built by European traders in Ghana, when international travel is open to us again.

Dr. Keeles的早期工作包括为迈阿密大学来自种族/民族和社会经济背景的奖学金学生提供学术咨询, Coral Gables.  At the University of Michigan between 2011-2018, Dr. Keeles served as: a research technician senior at the Center for the Study of Black Youth in Context; a program assistant with the Rackham Graduate School where he mentored 17 incoming graduate student participants from an educational, cultural, or geographic background underrepresented in graduate study in their discipline; and as a student services assistant with the Rackham Graduate School assisting in the development and execution of student programs, 包括指导15名暑期研究机会项目的学生.

Dr. Omari Keeles

Although most of Dr. Keeles’ experience is on the university level, he is excited to work with our youngest students, noting that three-year-olds are “naturally open and honest, a prime time to reach them,,以及为高年级学生提供“门户开放政策”和安全/勇敢的空间,让他们关心或有想法改善社区. 他希望学生们知道,他打算做到透明. “I am here to listen,” he said. “I want to be a sounding board.” He wants students to know “their voices and ideas matter.”

And while Dr. Keeles看到了在论坛中讨论主题的价值, he believes that they should result in some action. 他希望为圆桌会议和职业日邀请演讲者, including representatives from HBCUs/MSIs/Tribal Colleges, 还有那些选择非传统职业道路的人.

除了与学生互动和庆祝特殊的多样性活动,Dr. Keeles希望看到多样性“贯穿全年”——在墙上的艺术作品中, in how we prioritize literature, having a space for students to talk.” The arts are close to his heart. Dr. Keeles is classically trained to play cello, percussion, and piano and a major fan of singer-songwriter Erykah Badu, 他曾在一个周末穿越全国去听她的音乐会.

Dr. Omari Keeles

在与保利学院的教职员工、学生、董事会成员和家长进行面谈的过程中,李博士说. 基尔斯说,他感到鼓舞的是,他可以在多元化主任的角色上产生“立竿见影的影响”, Equity, and Inclusion. 他发现,“对我提出的观点持开放态度”,对反种族主义的工作非常重视.

“The word ‘racism’ is everywhere. 它被用来解释所有导致非裔美国人痛苦和死亡的事情:得不到足够的医疗保健, food, housing and jobs, or a police bullet, baton or knee. 但是,“种族主义”并没有完全反映出这个国家黑人所面临的问题.”

Dr. 基尔斯解释说,这项工作的一部分是将反种族主义与多样性区分开来, equity, and inclusion. He cited a New York Times op-ed by kihana miraya ross, 西北大学非裔美国人研究助理教授, 她把种族主义这个词称为“包罗万象”,并不具体. Ross wrote: “The word ‘racism’ is everywhere. 它被用来解释所有导致非裔美国人痛苦和死亡的事情:得不到足够的医疗保健, food, housing and jobs, or a police bullet, baton or knee. 但是,“种族主义”并没有完全反映出这个国家黑人所面临的问题.”

“Poly is really invested in this work,” Dr. Keeles said. But, he said that diversity work is “not just race driven.” A short-term goal of his work, he said, would be to include additional social identities such as race, gender, and ability to the DEI conversation. 这将包括考虑,“社会正义对少数群体意味着什么?以及多重身份的交集如何解释群体内生活经历的变化(例如.g., all Latinx students do not experience Poly the same).  他补充说,除了“多样性、公平和包容”之外,还应该加上“归属感”这个词.在保利,这项工作的一个目标是“让人们有归属感”.”

As he moves into his new role, Dr. 基尔斯说,他希望社区能耐心等待他了解保利的情况和需求. 他可以看出保利对多元化、公平和包容的工作充满激情和激情. Progress at first may be made in small gains, he said, and invites the community to join with him in this work.
