

考虑到保利? 我们很高兴见到你!

智力发展是保利预科的重点 高中课程. 在每一个学科中, we set standards of academic excellence aimed at fostering habits of mind that will serve our students throughout their lives. 我们的期望是让学生学会阅读, 写, 分析, 有目的地量化, 焦点, 和清晰.

我们的课程顺序是明确设计,使我们的学生是积极的变化的推动者. 为此目的, anti-racism is an essential component of our curriculum; in addition to empowering our students to promote social and racial justice, 反种族主义培养了他们从不同的角度和批判性的视角来辨别系统和结构的能力, 装备他们去想象他们的世界.

从他们高中生涯的开始到结束,学生们会遇到 高年级院长 精心设计适合他们个人学术目标和兴趣的学习课程.

了解更多十大网堵平台保利的信息 高中课程 包括,核心要求,课程描述,选修课程,以及更多,请参阅我们的 详细的课程指南.

即将入学的九年级学生 家长和学生,请参阅附录 2024-25课程指南.


Our students are encouraged to make the most of the opportunities we offer them to expand their minds and hearts by embracing the challenges that learning entails.

  • 计算机与信息科学

    在我们的计算机和信息科学课程和最先进的创客空间, 学生运用他们的创造力, 解决问题的能力, communication tools to explore new languages; engineer and design 3-D solutions; develop multi-level understanding of the internet and social media; work with hands-on technologies such as robotics and microcontrollers; and discover the expanding universe of artificial intelligence. The language of computers is one of 聚’s fastest growing and most exciting fields of inquiry — and our digital-savvy students are its natural interlocutors.

    在选修课程中,学生可以选择的有 Cybersecurity; Data 科学; Disinformation and Democracy; App Development; Game Design, 先进的人工智能, Advanced Computational Astrophysics; Advanced Rocket Engineering in Simulation.

  • 英语

    英语 classes engage students in discovering their own voices as 写rs while they wrestle with literature’s diverse representations of the human experience. 核心课程和选修课向学生介绍散文小说, 诗歌, 戏剧, 以及来自世界各地的非虚构文学作品,帮助他们培养分析和写作技能. At the core of our writing instruction is the understanding that writing requires flexibility and a wide range of skills beyond the traditional essay. 因此,保利的英语课程积极培养学生跨学科和体裁的有效写作能力. 同样重要的是, our approach to literature is grounded in the understanding that literary texts help students develop empathy for characters whose experiences are at once unfamiliar and strikingly recognizable. 因此,我们的课程将经典文本与新兴的叙事声音结合起来, 教师们很高兴看到我们的学生从两者中汲取灵感.

    Among the compelling 英语 electives offered are Author Study: Toni Morrison; The Bible as Literature; British Literature; Creative Writing Workshop; Critical Theory; Fiction Writing; Futures: 科学 Fiction; Gender Studies through Literature; Japanese Literature; Law and Literature; Linguistics; Literature of New York; Literature of Prep Schools; Memoir and Autofiction; Mexican Literature; Modern Literature; Nuclear Texts; Performing New York; Poetry and Poetics; Postcolonial Literature; The Postmodern and Literature; Pulp Fiction and Noir; Shakespeare; and The Writer’s Craft.

  • 历史

    在历史系的使命的核心是,历史的研究有潜力的信念, 用历史学家卡尔·德格勒的话来说, “扩展了我们对人类意义的概念和理解.“历史研究是保利培养学生成为世界公民的使命中不可或缺的一部分, 我们的历史课程旨在帮助学生适应导航, 无论是过去还是现在, 熟悉和陌生之间的紧张关系. 为此目的, 学生们对自己国家的历史有了深入的了解, 全球历史, 以及特定地区的历史. 我们也使学生能够超越他们的当下,寻求对世界的理解, 培养同理心和谦逊,这是深思熟虑的全球公民行为不可或缺的一部分.

    我们为历史系学生提供的选修课有 Constitutional Conflict: American Government; China, 越南, Communism; Gotham’s Challenges; European 历史; Feminisms of the Modern Middle East; Latin American 历史; Left, 正确的, Center; New York City 历史; Postcolonial Southeast Asia; Revolutions; The World’s Wisdom Traditions: Abrahamic Religions; The World’s Wisdom Traditions: Asian Religions; US 历史 Seminars in: African American Women’s 历史; Black Power, Black 艺术; Settlement-1865; 1865-Present; Immigration and Migration; 新闻, 网络, American Democracy; Our Republic in Nature; 同性恋的历史; and Slavery and Resistance.

  • 数学

    我们的数学课程鼓励学生成为逻辑和想象力丰富的思想家. 我们帮助学生识别模式和结构, 探索解决问题的多种途径, 培养和运用批判性思维和抽象推理能力, 并组织和解释他们的推理. 因为我们模拟现实世界的情况,并促进演绎和归纳推理, 我们的学生发展智力工具,成为独立的问题解决者, 培养坚持解决复杂和具有挑战性的非常规问题的信心, 享受探索未知的挑战,享受发现未知的喜悦. 在高中, 学生学习几何, 代数, 有关微积分的知识, 和微积分, in their junior and senior years may choose from compelling electives such as Economics; Financial Literacy; 历史 of 数学; 线性代数; Advanced Statistics; and Introduction to 代数ic Structures.

  • 科学

    我们的科学系认识到了这一点, 现在比以往任何时候都更重要, 自然界需要创新的解决方案来解决最棘手的环境问题, 医疗, 人类面临的资源困境. Our students therefore engage in experiments and analysis of observable data that challenge them to understand how science shapes all phenomena, 从防晒霜的制造到对流行病的认识. 必修课程包括生物、化学和物理.

    Electives include courses in those 纪律s along with classes such as Earth Systems and Structures; 为ensic 科学; Modern Physics; Environmental Chemistry; Advanced electives in: Applied Mechanics; Electronics; Climate Change; Conservation Biology; and Organic Chemistry. All courses require students to apply science and engineering practices as they make sense of phenomena and design solutions to problems, 让他们成为未来的工程师, 医生, 研究人员, 太空探险者, 有科学素养的公民.

  • 世界语言/经典

    世界语言课程-西班牙语, 法国, Mandarin and Latin — immerse students in their chosen target tongue as a means of nurturing their curiosity about peoples and cultures far beyond our halls. 我们的现代语言课程(包括意大利语高级选修课)非常重视口语, 分享, 庆祝世界语言, 尤其是作为培养文化能力和个人勇气的一种手段. 除了去当地的餐馆外, 展品, 和纽约的社区, 去马提尼克岛的课外旅行, 西班牙, 意大利, 阿根廷鼓励学生成为勇敢和体贴的世界公民.

  • 学习支持和丰富

    在保利, 我们欣赏学习风格的多样性,并致力于满足每个孩子的学习需求. 我们的学习专家帮助所有学生满足我们课程的要求, 并成为有弹性的熟练的自我倡导者, 元认知, 策略型学习者. 学习专家与学生密切合作, 教师, 和院长解决个人的学习需求,并监督学习中心, 为学生提供练习技能和利用一系列学术支持的空间. Our learning specialists also support teachers and develop pedagogical tools designed to help enrich the classroom learning experience for all students.




Our ever-changing course options match students’ varied intellectual interests and reflect our 教师’s wide-ranging expertise. 在每个部门, 学生可以从课程菜单中选择, 促进批判性思维, 仔细阅读具有挑战性的文本, 跨学科分析框架, 以及先进的定量分析技能, 让他们成为终身学习者和活跃的人, 民主社会中有生产力的成员. 

学生可以从广泛的主题中选择,包括2022-23年: 比较解剖学, 设计艺术, 未来:投机小说研究, 网络、新闻和美国民主, 同性恋的历史, 线性代数, 离散数学, 神话.


Admission to advanced courses is based on a careful process of departmental approval which takes into account a variety of factors, 包括学生的学习成绩, 分业考试成绩, 以及在课程中适当挑战和成功的可能性. 这个过程的关键是学生之间的密切合作, 迪安, department chairs intended to match a student’s intellectual ambition with a given 纪律’s standards for high performance and academic excellence.



科学 Research and Writing is a three-year program for students in Grades 10-12 which engages students in scientific research through self-driven experimentation. 学生通常在九年级的春季申请入学, although some 10th grade students begin the program each year and join members of existing cohorts in shared class meeting time. Students learn to read and use peer-reviewed scientific journal articles–many written at a very advanced level–to inform their research. 这门课程要求每个学生写一系列正式的论文,提交给当地和全国的比赛, 比如纽约市科学与工程博览会和英特尔竞赛, 与外部导师或专业科学家合作.


独立学习选项使学生能够更深入地探索一个学习领域, 纪律, 主题, 或者在我们的正式课程中没有提供的特定主题. 和指导老师一起工作, 学生在传统课堂之外进行研究. 独立学习课程可以持续一整个学年,也可以在一个学期内完成. 为了参加独立学习课程以获得学分, the student must collaborate with the selected 教师 advisor to construct a syllabus that will gain approval from the School’s academic leadership. 在学年结束时, Independent Study students will present their learning and research to the wider 聚 community in 纪律-appropriate formats. 独立研究建议, 不管是秋季学期还是春季学期, 在秋季学期的第一个7天轮换期间到期吗.

  • 高中历史会议上的学生


    Our ever-changing course options match students’ varied intellectual interests and reflect our 教师’s wide-ranging expertise. 在每个部门, 学生可以从课程菜单中选择, 促进批判性思维, 仔细阅读具有挑战性的文本, 跨学科分析框架, 以及先进的定量分析技能, 让他们成为终身学习者和活跃的人, 民主社会中有生产力的成员. 

    学生可以从广泛的主题中选择,包括2022-23年: 比较解剖学, 设计艺术, 未来:投机小说研究, 网络、新闻和美国民主, 同性恋的历史, 线性代数, 离散数学, 神话.

  • 高中数学课


    Admission to advanced courses is based on a careful process of departmental approval which takes into account a variety of factors, 包括学生的学习成绩, 分业考试成绩, 以及在课程中适当挑战和成功的可能性. 这个过程的关键是学生之间的密切合作, 迪安, department chairs intended to match a student’s intellectual ambition with a given 纪律’s standards for high performance and academic excellence.


  • 高中高级课程


    科学 Research and Writing is a three-year program for students in Grades 10-12 which engages students in scientific research through self-driven experimentation. 学生通常在九年级的春季申请入学, although some 10th grade students begin the program each year and join members of existing cohorts in shared class meeting time. Students learn to read and use peer-reviewed scientific journal articles–many written at a very advanced level–to inform their research. 这门课程要求每个学生写一系列正式的论文,提交给当地和全国的比赛, 比如纽约市科学与工程博览会和英特尔竞赛, 与外部导师或专业科学家合作.

  • 高中自主学习


    独立学习选项使学生能够更深入地探索一个学习领域, 纪律, 主题, 或者在我们的正式课程中没有提供的特定主题. 和指导老师一起工作, 学生在传统课堂之外进行研究. 独立学习课程可以持续一整个学年,也可以在一个学期内完成. 为了参加独立学习课程以获得学分, the student must collaborate with the selected 教师 advisor to construct a syllabus that will gain approval from the School’s academic leadership. 在学年结束时, Independent Study students will present their learning and research to the wider 聚 community in 纪律-appropriate formats. 独立研究建议, 不管是秋季学期还是春季学期, 在秋季学期的第一个7天轮换期间到期吗.
